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Represents the ApiWorksheet class.


VisiblebooleanReturns or sets the state of sheet visibility.
ActivenumberMakes the current sheet active.
ActiveCellApiRangeReturns an object that represents an active cell.
SelectionApiRangeReturns an object that represents the selected range.
CellsApiRangeReturns ApiRange that represents all the cells on the worksheet (not just the cells that are currently in use).
RowsApiRangeReturns ApiRange that represents all the cells of the rows range.
ColsApiRangeReturns ApiRange that represents all the cells of the columns range.
UsedRangeApiRangeReturns ApiRange that represents the used range on the specified worksheet.
NamestringReturns or sets a name of the active sheet.
IndexnumberReturns a sheet index.
LeftMarginnumberReturns or sets the size of the sheet left margin measured in points.
RightMarginnumberReturns or sets the size of the sheet right margin measured in points.
TopMarginnumberReturns or sets the size of the sheet top margin measured in points.
BottomMarginnumberReturns or sets the size of the sheet bottom margin measured in points.
PageOrientationPageOrientationReturns or sets the page orientation.
PrintHeadingsbooleanReturns or sets the page PrintHeadings property.
PrintGridlinesbooleanReturns or sets the page PrintGridlines property.
DefnamesArrayReturns an array of the ApiName objects.
CommentsArrayReturns all comments from the current worksheet.
FreezePanesApiFreezePanesReturns the freeze panes for the current worksheet.
AllProtectedRangesApiProtectedRange[]Returns all protected ranges from the current worksheet.
PivotTablesApiPivotTable[]Returns all pivot tables from the current worksheet.
